Custom and Stock Photography

Achieving Professional Quality Imagery for your Website at a Reasonable Cost

More than any other visual feature of your website, the imagery is what draws the eye and sets the tone for your brand. While it's easy to pull out a camera phone and take some nice shots of your business, to build your brand it's worth going the extra mile to achieving true professional quality images. Fortunately with new offerings and market places, this can be done without breaking the bank.

The first question is how do you know a quality image? The answer is largely that you'll know it when you see it, but there are a number of details that easily make professionals shots stand out: The lighting, post processing such as cropping, touch ups, professional scene setup and even using professional models.

Typically your will be made with a combination of custom photography and stock photography.

It's possible to spend thousands, even tens of thousands, or even more on a professional photo shoot, but luckily there are a number of photographer market places where you can find an affordable freelancers to come to you.

In addition, you may want to use stock photography in other places on the website. Here are a few free or affordable places for stock photos:

  • 500px
  • Pexels
  • Pixabay
  • iStockPhoto (A little bit more expensive, it is owned by the Getty Images group which services most major media organizations.)

Be sure to keep rights and royalty in mind when working with your website. The last thing you want is a copyright take-down request.

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